Here they are! We're excited. You take 50% of income and make big money.
Entrepreneur Boot Camp
Starting a business is something that all of us have thought about at one time or another. Everyone wants to be their own boss. Yet statistics show that most businesses fail within the first five years. This course provides insight into the characteristics, knowledge and skills needed to become a successful entrepreneur.
At the end of this course, you will be able to identify the abilities required of successful entrepreneurs and how to acquire them, develop goals to help establish your business, develop an outline for your plan, and take home techniques to successfully manage your new business.
Conrad Brian Law, COI, instructor. One month course, September, $195.
Extraordinary Customer Service
Learning to build your customer service skills will have a powerful impact on your career success as well as success in other areas of your life. Through this course you will discover the direct relationship between service skills and career achievement. You will become skilled at being an exceptional service provider. You can help your organization and your career by translating your good service intentions into a workable plan and gain knowledge of ways to consistently deliver great service. The payoff is enormous.
Nanette Sanders-Cobb, COI, instructor. One month online course, September, $145.
New! By Demand!
Mentoring & Coaching in the Workplace
Mentoring and coaching have come to be used more frequently in organizations to improve leadership competencies and provide employee support. It has benefits for the employer and employee. Develop skills in the development, implementation, and support of coaching and mentoring programs in your workplace. Take home the much-awaited toolkit you have been searching for to improve your employees’ performance and create the working environment that your employees will find truly rewarding.
Marie Johnson, COI and Sherri Restauri Carson, COI, instructors. Two one month courses, September-October, $295 total.
Green Workplace
A greener workplace can provide substantial benefits to your organization’s triple bottom line – people, planet and profits. By reducing the energy intensity of their buildings and materials demand and waste, green workplaces can save money and reduce their impact on the environment. Come discover the keys to making green workplaces a success for you and your organization. This course is suitable for those new to green workplaces or already working in a green space and interested in enhancing their knowledge of what makes it a green space. Includes a green workplace toolkit.
Pepper Smith and Kelly Gearhart, instructors. One month course, September, $195.
Business Research Certificate
Discover the specific knowledge needed to succeed in researching and utilizing the best and most appropriate data for decision making for your work organization. Get the skills needed to effectively communicate research results to a specific audience for maximum impact and effective decision making.
For business professionals, entrepreneurs, and anyone who needs specific information about a business; or who is in business and needs specific information about a particular topic such as market potential, competitive intelligence, standard industry practice, productivity improvement, etc. This course will give you the specific knowledge you need to succeed in your research quest.
David White, COI, and Mary Dereshiwsky, COI, instructors. Three one month courses. Certificate available for successful completion. September-November, $495 total for all 3 courses.
Data Analysis with SPSS
Data analysis is a practice in which raw data is ordered and organized so that useful information can be extracted from it. Discover how to succeed with Data Analysis using a Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Get the necessary skills for performing basic statistical analyses using SPSS. You will acquire intermediate to advance skills with SPSS relating to T-Tests, ANOVA, and Regressions, and more.
After the course, you will be able to analyze how data is presented, and to think critically about the data and the possible conclusions. The course is designed to take first-time users, casual users, and even experienced users into the depths of SPSS.
Larry Ray, COI, instructor. One month, October, $195, plus book.
Practical Math for the Workplace
For anyone interested in acquiring the skills needed to understand and perform common business activities such as payroll, banking, invoicing, and purchasing. Business owners and managers will find this course particularly beneficial in providing a clear and understandable insight into the basic mathematical skills and processes needed to perform financial tasks required in the workplace. This course provides a basic foundation for understanding the practical applications of mathematics in common workplace activities.
David White, COI, instructor. One month course, September, $145.
Virtual Meeting Planner
Finally, you can acquire the best professional development in virtual meeting planning. Plus get the option of being recognized for your knowledge by becoming a Certified Virtual Meeting Planner (CVP).
Virtual meetings are distance seminars and education featuring audio, slides and video in a synchronous format. They include webinars, webcasts, video casts, two-way web cams, and other audio and video formats.
Discover the various synchronous distance meeting formats available and learn about the technology of producing distance meetings. Then get the best instructional techniques on the design and teaching of effective distance or virtual meetings. Lastly, acquire the virtual meeting planning skills involved in budgeting, pricing, and marketing virtual meetings.
Larry Ray, COI, Debbie Kopkau, and William Draves, COI, instructors. Online certificate, three one month online courses, and optional certification exam for CVP designation, September-November, just $795 total.
Planning for Trains
Trains are coming! Passenger rail and light rail will change the way business, government and other organizations do business, how communities are designed, and where people live and work. Discover how trains will change the business landscape. Find out the keys for repositioning your organization around increasing passenger train and light rail service. Get planning information not available anywhere else. Then take home the top implications for your personal lifestyle as well. A non-technical, user oriented advanced course for anyone interested in how trains are changing society.
William A. Draves, COI, instructor. One month, October, $145.
Digital Brochures
Discover the latest hot new technology to promote your products, services and information. Find out how you can use this low-cost new eMarketing tool. Find out how to create a digital brochure for your organization. Then learn how to include search, interaction, and interest tracking features. Get on the cutting edge of this new marketing trend. This course could be worth thousands of dollars to your organization.
Julie Coates, COI, instructor. One month course, October, $195.
New for K-12 Teachers!
Another way to tap into the big K-12 Teacher recertification Market
Graduate credit offered.
Social Media for K-12 Teachers
Get the latest info on why, and how, your students are using social media. Discover the tricks of the trade in using Facebook, Twitter and other social media. Find out how social media is being used in education. Then come away with tips on how you can use social media to help your students learn more. For any teacher interested in social media, from beginners to advanced social networkers.
Heather Dimitt, instructor. One month course, November, $245. Optional: 1.0 graduate credit from the University of South Dakota, $45.95 additional, paid later.
Generational Learning Styles for K-12 Teachers
Your students learn differently than you do. Come find out how to help your students learn more. Then discover something new about yourself.
Get fascinating info on the brain and how all generations respond to the “cohort experience”.You will acquire the information on how Generation Y learns. Then find out how you as a Gen Xer or Baby Boomer learn differently.
Come away with our top 20 generational techniques for helping your students learn more.
Kassia Dellabough, instructor. One month course, November, $245. Optional: 1.0 graduate credit from the University of South Dakota, $45.95 additional, paid later.
Gender in the Classroom
Discover why girls waste 30% of their study time, why boys get worse grades than girls, why boys do less homework than girls, and the 5 learning habits that hurt girls in the workplace.
Discover how girls learn. Take away 10 top tips for helping girls learn more, and the 5 tips to help girls succeed more. Then discover how boys learn. Take away 10 top tips for helping boys learn more, and the 5 tips to help boys succeed more. Get research data not available anywhere else.
Julie Coates and William A. Draves, instructors. One month course, October, $245. Optional: 1.0 graduate credit from the University of South Dakota, $45.95 additional, paid later.
Online Learning and Teaching
Discover the fascinating world of online learning and teaching. Specifically for K-12 teachers, you will find out why and how your students learn online. Find out about all the wonderful eTools being used, from drag-and-drop games to virtual labs.
Then find out how you can begin to use the web in your own teaching. See why web-enhanced courses are being introduced in K-12 schools. Then take home online strategies for helping your students to learn more and preparing them for the workplace.
William A. Draves, instructor. One month course, October, $245. Optional: 1.0 graduate credit from the University of South Dakota, $45.95 additional, paid later.
PLUS, keep promoting these ongoing
successful courses and certificates:
-Social Media for Business
Introduction to Social Media, September
Marketing Using Social Media, October,
Integrating Social Media in Your Organization, November
-eMarketing Essentials
Improving Email Promotion, September
Boosting Your Web Site Traffic, October
Online Advertising, November
-Green Building and LEED, September-October
-Supervisory Leadership Certificate, September-October
-Managing Telecommuters
Keys to Telecommuting Success, September
Supervising Telecommuters, October
-Working with Baby Boomers, September
-Working with Gen Xers, October
Certificate in Online Teaching
Advanced Teaching Online, August 23-27
Designing Online Instruction, Nov 1-5