1. On your website, create a page dedicated to UGotClass courses, or let us create a custom web link and landing page for you.
• This would include: Course/Certificate Titles, Dates, Cost, Instructor Name and back ground
(optional), Course description (very important even if this is a short description) - and mention
somewhere that it is online.
• Please view a sample of a web link we could create free for you at:
o Web link would have your logo, your registration URL, contact email, phone, fax (if
applicable), and your course choices. Course listings would include descriptions, dates, costs,
instructor’s name and background, and syllabus information.
• Remember to mention that admission to the university is not required for UGotClass courses (if
applicable). Not many students know this.
• If you are creating your own site, one suggestion is to add a line at the bottom of each course
description page or listing about what other UGotClass courses may be of interest to the person
viewing it.
o You could also do this with your in-person courses, listing UGotClass courses as ones that
they may be interested in if they are in the same field or similar area.
2. On your website, create an online registration page for your UGotClass courses just like you have for your other courses, either separately or on the same page as the other courses.
• On this page, have a link to a paper mailed registration form as well, for students who do not
wish to sign up online.
• Also on this page, include your organization’s contact information in bold type.
o Then, when a potential student has issues registering, he or she can call or email you right
away for help instead of giving up.
o In some cases, students want to call and give credit card information over the phone versus
over the Internet. Remember to keep the email and phone number up-to-date on your site.
• Top-registering organizations have said that most of their registrations come in online. So, try
your best to create an online registration site for UGotClass.
3. On your website, create a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page, answering these popular questions and any others you may think of.
• How to register online
• How to register by phone
• How to register by mail
• When/how to get instructions to get into the classroom
o In the answer to this question, state that classrooms will open 5 days prior to the course
beginning date, and students will receive an email invitation with instructions the Thursday
before the course begins.
• What exactly is an ‘online’ course?
o The answer: An online course is an asynchronous course in which you can participate day or
night, but have to complete any quizzes and assignments as stated in the syllabus (usually
weekly coinciding with the units).
• Remember, FAQ pages are important. One of our top partners has told us that 9 out of 10 times
a student’s question is answered using this FAQ page.
4. In your brochure, make sure that your printed course catalog has UGotClass online courses integrated with in-person courses.
• UGotClass courses could be listed on a few pages, or each UGotClass certificate could be
included with corresponding in-person course topics in the catalog.
• In addition to pointing out that the courses are online, also mention in the catalog that students
can participate day or night and sign up for one course individually or all three at a discounted
• List the dates, cost, instructor (optional, short description (or full, which is even better), and
URL to find more information or register online.
• Mirror the categories from your web site to maintain consistency and make it easy for a new
user to find a course.
• As a top organization noted: Offering the most popular courses increases registrations. To
receive a copy of the top 8 most popular UGotClass courses list, please contact Michelle at
[email protected].
5. In your brochure, add a page or section with step-by-step instructions explaining how to sign up by phone, email, fax, or online (any that are applicable) for your UGotClass courses.
6. In your brochure, if you have the capability, it is in your best interest to make your course catalog into an interactive PDF for easy online viewing.
• An interactive PDF would allow users to click on links, search for words, flip pages easily, etc.
7. In your email promotions, if you have a registration system that records interest lists, use it to your advantage for your UGotClass courses.
• Pull a list every semester, or a couple times each semester.
• Let them know if there is a similar course coming up, online or in-person.
• For students who’ve taken one or two of the three courses in a UGotClass certificate, tell them
about upcoming courses for that certificate. Students who have taken a UGotClass course in the
past are more apt to take another one in the future.
• Tell all of your organization’s students from the past 2 years that they’ll be receiving a catalog
by snail mail shortly and also that they can find courses in their area online.
• Students who canceled their registration should receive an email suggesting other similar
8. In your email promotions, market the emails to specific segments.
• For example, one top registering program was very successful because it marketed the
UGotClass LEED course to Landscape Design students.
9. On Facebook.com, create a Facebook fan page.
• More and more organizations are turning to Facebook to keep connected to their students and
potential students.
• If you already have a fan page for your organization, you have a good start.
o To promote UGotClass on Facebook, post status updates every week or so about an
upcoming UGotClass course or certificate (or about the press release on UGotClass) or other
related things.
• If you have not created a fan page, consult with other organizations that use Facebook,
research it online, or take our online course for yourself - Facebook for Business, which begins
this Fall.
• Remember, Facebook is a great way to advertise for free!
10. Use the Press releases we have created for you to easily increase registrations and earn more money with UGotClass.
• Our Social Media for Business Certificate jumped 50% in registrations after partners sent out the
press release about it. You can expect the same with any of the press releases we email to you
monthly or bi-monthly. To receive previous press releases, contact Michelle at [email protected].