Mobile Marketing Hot New Trend for Business
“Mobile marketing is such a big trend that it is becoming critical for businesses,” says Simon Salt, internationally known mobile marketing expert. “If your company is not a part of this trend, customers will pass you by,” he says “Mobile marketing has taken off this last year and started to grab the attention of marketers due to the huge increase in the number of smart phones and tablets available. “Smart Phones now have above 50% ownership, and tablets such as iPad have taken only 18 months to get to the same level,” Salt states.
“Brand awareness is evolving rapidly. Therefore, the majority of marketers are showing a gain in the use of mobile marketing as a promotional tool,” he notes.
Salt teaches a new online course on Advanced Mobile Marketing, which is a part of the Mobile Marketing Certificate, sponsored by the &Name of Local Partner and city&. The online course is relevant for people in any workplace organization, including companies, nonprofits, government and small business, says &Name of Local Contact Person& of &Name of Local Provider.&
Salt also says that Mobile marketing has really taken off this last year. This year there have been more purchases of smart phones than desktop computers and more searches on the internet taking place on mobile devices than desktop computers, which proves the trend. “Now, 25% of shoppers will use their mobile phones while they are in a store. One in five will scan bar codes. Mobile marketing is about knowing that your website is optimized for mobile, it’s about the basics,” says Salt.
The one-month online course, which premieres the week of June 4, covers strategy and introduction, including what type of platforms to use, how to design a campaign, and finally how to execute and measure success. Participants log into the course anytime day or night, from any computer. This course includes audio lectures by the instructor with slides, videos, online readings and ongoing discussion with the instructor and other participants. This course is part of the Mobile Marketing Certificate, including the courses: Creating Cell Phone Apps for Business, Introduction to Mobile Marketing, and Advanced Mobile Marketing.
The online courses are offered four times a year. For additional information about Advanced Mobile Marketing, the Mobile Marketing Certificate, or other online courses and certificates, contact &Name of Person& with &Name of Local Partner& at &Phone Number& or email & email address &.
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Simon Salt is CEO of Marketing Communications Agency IncSlingers. He is the Author of Social Location Marketing. A Blogger, Writer & Digital Strategist. He has been published online by Mashable, Read Write Web & others. He speaks internationally on the topic of Digital, Mobile and Social Marketing. He works with organizations as diverse as Fortune 500’s to Startups and Global PR agencies as both a strategic consultant and as an online brand advocate.