Get Targeted Results with “Online Advertising”
Get the keys to making online advertising work for you and your organization. See how pay-per-click advertising with Google AdWords works. Learn how to test low budget AdWords campaigns and target local audiences. Discover the benefits of Facebook advertising and how you can determine the demographics — and even numbers — of people you want to reach.
‘Online Advertising’ is sponsored by &Name of Local Partner and City& and is taught by Susan Hurrell, Director of Online Marketing with Modern Earth Web Design in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She works with individuals, organizations and businesses to help them maximize their presence on the web and reach their clients through various forms of online marketing.
“One of the hottest new things happening in online advertising right now is the ability for organizations to leverage some of the more established tools, such as Facebook, in order to engage communities and build their online message,” says Hurrell. “People are starting to understand the shift in social media tools and using them from a business perspective to drive engagement.”
“If you want to get one step ahead of your competition, do very targeted ads. The ability to match your message specifically to your audience is unparalleled.”
After you finish this course you will be able to create effective, affordable and real-time advertising to promote products and services, and you will be able to see your results very quickly.
For more information on ‘Online Advertising,’ contact &Name of Person with &Name of Local Parter& at &Phone Number& and &email address&, or go online to &Web Address of Local Partner Site That Includes UGotClass Course Information&.